Volunteer Resource Centre
The Glace Bay and Area Volunteer Resource Centre was established by Town House in 2014 to serve Glace Bay and surrounding areas.
What we do:
Help nonprofit and service organizations find suitable volunteers
Help community members find volunteer opportunities that best suit their skills, interests, and availability
Assist organizations with their volunteer programs
Build awareness about volunteerism
The Volunteer Resource Centre was built on fifty years of experience of volunteers providing a wide variety of programs and services to the community through Town House.
If you would like to volunteer in any capacity, or would like to learn about other ways you can make your community a better place, please contact Lori Young, Volunteer Coordinator, at (902) 849-2449 or lori.townhouse@bellaliant.com.
The Volunteer Resource Centre is open to individuals who may be looking for various options for volunteer work, as well as for other organizations who rely on volunteers to help with the work they do for the community.
We welcome your call or visit.